Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Acetyl L-carnitine

Acetyl L-cartinine is a derivative of the amino acid carnitine. Acetyl L-cartinine is produced naturally in the body and vigorous exercise aids the body in making Acetyl L-cartinine from carnitine. Acetyl L-cartinine is involved in carbohydrate and protein metabolism and in the transport of fats to a cell organelle called the mitochondria. Acetyl L-cartinine is better absorbed and probably more active than plain carnitine, it is the most studied compound for its anti aging effects. Total brain levels of Acetyl L-cartinine and carnitine decline with age. 

Effective for: 
  • Accelerates recovery from stroke
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome 
  • Limits damage caused by oxygen starvation 
  • Protects against oxidative stress 
  • Senile dementia 
  • Slows the progression of Alzheimer’s 
  • Strengthening the immune system 

It is beneficial to take Acetyl L-cartinine along with carnitine. 

Recommended Dose: 
  • 500-1000 mg daily to improve mental and physical performance 
  • 1500-3000 mg daily for immune enhancement 

Side effects and precautions: 
  • Don’t take Acetyl L-cartinine in the evening as it may interfere with sleep. 
  • People with epilepsy should use it with extreme caution.

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Carnitine is not an amino acid in the strictest sense but its chemical structure is similar to an amino acid, thus it is usually considered as one. Carnitine is a substance related to the B vitamins. Carnitine is required in the body to convert fat into energy. This is a major source of energy for the muscle. Carnitine also enhances the effectiveness of antioxidants vitamin E and C. 

Effective for: 
  • Aids in weight loss 
  • Burn body fat 
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome 
  • For energy and endurance 
  • Improve sperm motility 
  • Lessens risk of heart disorders (Cardiomyopathy) 
  • Lower blood triglyceride levels 
  • Prevention of fatty buildup in heart and liver 
  • Prevention of muscle atrophy 

Supplement of carnitine is available in different forms including D-carnitine, L-carnitine and DL-carnitine. DL-carnitine is not recommended as it may cause toxicity. 

Recommended Dose: 
  • For preventive purposes 500mg -1 gm daily 
  • For heart problems 1-2 gms daily 

Side effects and precautions:
If taking heart medication a less dosage may be required that must be taken under medical supervision, a consultation of nutritionally aware cardiologist should be consulted

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Histidine is an essential amino acid that plays a role in the growth and repair of tissues, maintenance of the myelin sheaths that protect nerve cells and production of red and white blood cells. The body gets all the histidine it requires by synthesizing it. 

Effective for: 
  • Aids in removing heavy metals from body 
  • Lowers blood pressure 
  • Protection from radiation damage 
  • Reduce inflammation 

  • Most of the body’s minimal requirement of histidine is obtained through food. 

Recommended Dose: 
  • Consult a nutritionally oriented physician for dosage. 

Side effects and precautions: 
  • Histidine can aggravate allergies. 
  • Histidine supplements might increase blood pressure. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Branched chain amino acids: Valine, Leucine, isoleucine

Amino acids valine, leucine and isoleucine are the muscle sparing amino acids also know as the branched chain amino acids. These amino acids preserve the muscles and all other tissue (except bones and fat in the body) from constant breakdown due to metabolism. The body regenerates tissue using these branched chained amino acids as the building blocks for new protein.

Effective for: 
For wasting disease such as-
  • AIDS 
  • Cancer 
  • End stage kidney failure 
  • Critically ill patients 
A therapeutic dose of the branched chained amino acid is best taken along with L-glutamine. 

Recommended Dose: 
  • 4-5 gm valine 
  • 3-4 grams leucine 
  • 2-3 grams isoleucine 
  • 4-6 grams L-glutamine

Monday, July 9, 2012


Tryptophan is an essential amino acid and is necessary for he production of vitamin B5 and is used by the brain to make a neurotransmitter known as serotonin. Sufficient amounts of vitamin B6 and C, folate and magnesium are necessary for the formation of tryptophan in the body. The best dietary source of tryptophan include brown rice, cottage cheese, meat, peanuts and soy protein.

Effective for:
  • Alcohol addiction 
  • Attention deficit disorder 
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome 
  • Depression 
  • Eating disorders- bulimia 
  • Fibromyalgia 
  • Hyperactivity 
  • Insomnia 
  • Migraine 
  • Obsessive compulsive disorder 
  • Pain syndrome 
  • Premenstrual anxiety 
  • Reduce appetite for weight control 
  • Schizophrenia 
  • Seasonal affective disorder 
  • Sleep paralysis 
  • Soothes anxiety 
  • Stabilize moods 
  • Tourette’s syndrome 
Two version of tryptophan are available, the natural amino acid L-tryptophan and 5-hydroxy tryptophan. 

Recommended Dose:
  • Tryptophan supplements must be taken before meals and before going to bed but if daytime anxiety or depression prevails can be take during the day. 
  • 2-4 gm of L-tryptophan daily 
  • 300-400 mg of 5-hydroxy tryptophan 
Side effects and precautions:
Although tryptophan is safe, over the counter Tryptophan supplements are banned in the United States. A prescription can be obtained from a doctor. Research has proven this was due to a contaminant found in a batch of products containing L-tryptophan. This occurred in the year 1989 and contaminant caused a blood disorder called eosinophilila myalgia syndrome.

Sunday, July 8, 2012


The amino acid taurine is found in high concentrations in the heart muscle, white blood cells, skeletal muscle and central nervous system. Taurine is a building block for all the other amino acids. Taurine polices the cell membrane keeping potassium and magnesium inside the cell and keeping excess sodium out. Taurine is a key component of bile that is needed for fat digestion. Taurine also has a protective effect on the brain. Taurine concentration is four times greater in the brains of children than adults. 
Effective for:
  • Arrhythmia 
  • Asthma 
  • Atherosclerosis 
  • Congestive heart failure 
  • Fluid retention 
  • Helps in fat metabolism for people without gall bladder, liver problems, cystic fibrosis 
  • High blood pressure 
  • Macular degeneration 
  • Seizure disorders 
  • Stabilizes blood sugar in type I and type II diabetes 
  • Strengthens immune system 
Taurine is manufactured in the body but a possibility of deficiency can exist especially if the diet lacks shellfish, egg yolks, and animal meats. Estrogen replacement therapy and chemotherapy or lack of beneficial bacteria in the intestine block taurine production in the body. 
Recommended Dose:
  • 1-3 gms daily 
  • Therapeutic dose 1.5-4 gms daily 
Side effects and precautions:
  • People with ulcers should not take taurine as it increases the secretion of stomach acid. 
  • Ingestion of high concentration of taurine can cause loose stools.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Glutathione, N-acetyl cysteine (NAC)

Glutathione is grouped as an amino acid but is not technically one. Glutathione is a tripeptide and the body produces it from amino acid cysteine, glutamic acid and glycine. Glutathione is a very powerful antioxidant and is produced in the liver. Large stores of glutathione are found in the liver where it detoxifies harmful compounds. Glutathione is also found in the lungs and intestinal tracts. Glutathione is needed for carbohydrate metabolism and appears to exert anti aging effects aiding in the breakdown of oxidized fats that may contribute to atherosclerosis. A wide spectrum of illnesses rises and falls directly with the amount of glutathione in the body. For most of the major diseases the lack of glutathione is one of the cause. 
Effective for: 
  • AIDS 
  • Reduce body fat 
  • Improves cholesterol ratio 
  • Fighting cancer 
  • Reverses blood clotting inside blood vessels 
  • Detoxification – toxic metals. Certain drug overdose 
  • Hypertension 
  • Anti aging effects 
  • Congestive heart disease 
  • Brings down levels of lipoprotein(a) 
  • Asthma 
  • Pulmonary fibrosis 
  • Adult respiratory distress 
  • Inflammatory bowel disease-colitis, crohn’s disease 
  • Women’s hair loss due to sulfur deficiency 
Supplements of glutathione is expensive and the effectiveness of oral formulas is questionable. N- acetyl cysteine (NAC) a form of the amnio acid cysteine raises glutathione levels in the body. 
Recommended Dose: 
To create an optimal blood level of glutathione the following supplements are necessary 
  • 3000 mg N- acetyl cysteine 
  • 300 mg Lipoic acid 
  • 300 mcg Selenium 
  • 100 mg Riboflavin 
  • 200 mg Pyridoxine 
  • 3000 mg L-glutamine