Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Sea cucumber

Sea cucumber is a marine animal, a relative of starfish and is found in the waters of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. The Chinese have known of its therapeutic value for thousands of years. Researchers believe that sea cucumbers improve the balance of prostaglandins which regulate the inflammatory process. Sea cucumbers contain substance known as mucopolysaccharides and chondroitins which are often lacking in people with arthritis. Sea cucumber is one of the most useful treatments for arthritis available. In Australia the sea cucumber was designated as an official arthritis treatment in 1992. In addition, sea cucumber provide vitamin A, B-1, B-2, B-3 and C as well as the minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium and Zinc 

Effective for: 
  • Anti inflammatory 
  • Arthritis 
  • Relieves joint aches and stiffness 
Sea cucumber extract is available as a dietary supplement. 

Recommended Dose: 
For arthritis 500 mg three to four times per day, tapering the dosage to two times a day once the effects are noticed. 

Side effects and precautions: 
Sea cucumber supplements do not have any reported side effects except for the possibility of allergic reaction in people allergic to seafood.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Chondroitin sulfate

Chondroitin sulfate is naturally occurring substance in the body. Chondroitin sulfate is used to form special structural chemicals called proteoglycans which are a major component of cartilage that is around joints in the body. Chemically chondroitins belong to a group of substances classified as glcosaminoglycans that are complex type of carbohydrate molecules. Apart from cartilage re-formation, Chondroitins offer a wide variety of benefits such anti-inflammatory effects and activity against heart disease. 

Effective for: 
  • Improves circulation 
  • Lowers cholesterol 
  • Osteoarthritis 
  • Prevents plaque formation in arteries 
  • Reduces blood clotting 
  • Wound healing 

Chondroitin sulfate supplements are usually taken with glucosamine sulfate supplements to provide lubrication and support for joints. 

Recommended Dose: 
For arthritis or blood lipid imbalances 250 mg-1gm per day 

Side effects and precautions: 
Chondroitin sulfate is mostly safe for most people. It can cause some mild stomach pain and nausea. 

Sunday, June 23, 2013


Glucosamine sulfate is a naturally occurring chemical found in the human body. It is in the fluid that is around joints. Glucosamine sulfate provides building blocks for new cartilage, a protective joint padding. Healthy joints make their own glucosamine but when the production of this nutrient falter joints begin to lose cartilage, and arthritis sets in. Glucosamine sulfate is the most favored choice in complementary medicine for treatment of osteoarthritis. Glucosamine’s relief and rejuvenation is not immediate but takes a few weeks to six months for any noticeable change. 

Effective for: 
  • Arthritic pain 
  • Osteoarthritis 

Different formulations of glucosamine are available commercially some of which are: Glucosamine hydrochlorie, N-acetyl glucosamine 

Recommended Dose: 
500 mg three times a day 

Side effects and precautions: 
Glucosamine sulfate is safe except for some minor digestive upset, it is free of side effects as well.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


A biochemical compound known as NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) plays an essential role in production of energy in the body. NAD is in its oxidized form serves as a vehicle for every energy reaction taking place in a cell. In its reduced form called NADH or coezyme 1 it delivers energy to biochemical reactions. Thus NADH is an energy giving nutrient. NADH protects the cells power house known as the mitochondria. NADH is found naturally in the heart and brain but the body can manufacture it from niacinamide, but aging and disease slow the conversion. 

Effective for: 
  • Alzheimer’s disease 
  • Chronic fatigue 
  • Depression 
  • Energy enhancement 
  • Heart disease 
  • Parkinson’s disease 

Best source for obtaining NADH is a complementary physician. 

Recommended Dose: 
Precise dosage must be individualized because each person will react differently 

Side effects and precautions: 
Too much NADH may prevent one from falling asleep, thus should be taken first thing in the morning before eating anything. It should not be taken along with a meal as the digestive juices will break down the coating.

Trimethylglycine (Betaine)

Trimethylglycine also known as betaine is a nutrient that operates along a pathway similar to that of vitamin B12. Betaine is not required in the diet because the body can manufacture it from other nutrients. Grains, nuts, seeds, and meats contain small amounts of Betaine. However, most betaine in food is destroyed during cooking or processing, so food isn't a reliable way to get a therapeutic dosage. Research has shown that betaine is an important nutrient for cardiovascular health as it promotes healthy levels of homocysteine (a toxic amino acid and a risk factor for heart disease). On the other hand betaine could have adverse effects of the cholesterol profile Betaine is also used as a digestive aid. Betaine available as betaine hydrochloride, is useful for people who lack a sufficient amount of stomach acids. 

Effective for: 
  • Cardiovascular health 
  • Digestive aid 
  • Reduces levels of homocysteine 

Betaine is available is available commercially as a nutritional supplement. 

Recommended Dose: 
125 mg three to four times a day 

Side effects and precautions: 
Betaine could have the potential of having adverse effects on blood cholesterol profile.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Dimethylglycine (DMG)

Dimethylglycine (DMG) is a derivative of the amino acid glycine. It is also a byproduct of the metabolism of amino acid choline. When DMG was discovered, it was mistakenly called vitamin B15. DMG is an energy booster the effect of which last for a day. DMG has been suggested to use as an athletic performance enhancer, immunostimulant, epilepsy, autism and mitochondrial disease. DMG is also thought to improve the body use of oxygen. Published research of DMG is scarce. 

Effective for: 
  • Antioxidant action 
  • Athletic endurance 
  • Autism therapy: lengthens attention span, improves mood 
  • Fatigue 
  • Reduces epileptic seizures 
  • Strengthens immune function 

Dimethylglycine is available as 125 mg tablet that is taken by placing under the tongue. 

Recommended Dose: 
  • For immune function: 120 mg daily 
  • For seizures 180 mg daily 

Side effects and precautions: 
Dimethylglycine might be safe to use short-term, up to 28 days. The safety of long term use is unknown.

Sunday, June 16, 2013


Octacosanol is a chemical extracted from wheat germ oil. It is chemically similar to vitamin E. Octacosanol is a potent nerve and brain nutrient. Dr. Carlton Fredericks, demonstrated the amazing value of this nutrient as it helped dozens of people emerge from comas with tube feedings of octacosanol. Additionally supplements of wheat germ oil can increase an athlete’s endurance and oxygen consumption at a high altitude. 

Effective for: 
  • Degenerative neurological diseases 
  • Fatigue 
  • Lou Gehrigs disease (ALS) 
  • Multiple sclerosis 
  • Muscular dystrophy 
  • Parkinson’s disease 

Therapeutically a natural extract of wheat germ oil works better than synthetic octacosanol. 

Recommended Dose: 
40-80 mg per day 

Side effects and precautions: 
Octacosanol interacts with Levodopa/Carbidopa drugs that are used n Parkinson’s disease.

Friday, June 14, 2013


Gamma-oryzanol is a chemical extracted from rice bran oil. The use of this supplement is widespread in Japan due to the large amount of research done by Japanese scientist. 

Effective for: 
  • Depression 
  • Gastritis 
  • Gastrointestinal problems 
  • High cholesterol 
  • Irritable bowel syndrome 
  • Menopausal symptoms 
  • Muscle building 
  • Prostrate disorders 
  • Ulcers 

Available commercially in form of capsules. 

Recommended Dose: 
  • For gastrointestinal disease and cholesterol disturbances 450-600 mg per day 
  • For menopause and other conditions 150-450 mg per day 

Side effects and precautions: 
Gamma-oryzanol is safe to use.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Creatine (creatine monohydrate) is a compound produced by metabolic processes in the body. Creatine is the major substrate for phosphocreatine, which fuels muscle contraction. Creatine is particularly popular with athletes as it can increase both endurance and strength of muscles. Most of us carry 120-140 gm of creatine in our muscles, but the nutrient is not essential to our diet. Vegetarians take in essentially no creatine from their diet yet they are rarely deficient. The body manufactures creatine from dietary amino acids- arginine, glycine and methionine.

Effective for: 
  • Athletic performance enhancer 
  • Heart rhythm disturbances 

Available commercially in a powered form sold at health food stores. 

Recommended Dose: 
  • Effective dosage is 20 gm per day.

Calcium AEP (Colamine Phosphate)

An important point to be noted is that calcium AEP is not the average calcium supplement but a compound of calcium. Calcium AEP is a calcium salt of 2-aminoethanol phosphate also known as colamine phosphate. Calcium AEP is called as the membrane integrity factor responsible for transporting essentials minerals to the cell membrane and inside the cell as well. In addition it helps maintain and restore a normal electric cell potential between both sides of the cell membrane. Calcium AEP has tremendous therapeutic benefits especially for a variety of auto immune disorders. 

Effective for: 
  • Cancer 
  • Colitis 
  • Diabetes Type I 
  • Gastritis 
  • Lupus 
  • Multiple sclerosis 
  • Pulmonary fibrosis 
  • Rheumatoid arthritis 
  • Scleroderma 

Calcium AEP best works when injected intravenously and never intramuscularly. Consult a nutritional or complementary medicine doctor/physician who is familiar with it. 

Recommended Dose: 
  • 400 mg three times a week 

Side effects and precautions: 
Calcium AEP has not been well studied in clinical trials. Therefore data is not available on side effects. Most of the studies using calcium AEP was done by Hans Nieper, MD in 1966-68.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)

Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is a natural curative. DMSO is also an antioxidant and an anti inflammatory compound. DMSO is an skin penetrant thus very absorbent, it will draw anything that is on the skin and hands into the bloodstream. DMSO promotes wound healing, eases pain, prevents cell degradation and ameliorates symptoms of many autoimmune conditions. 

Effective for: 
  • Interstitial cystitis 
  • Pain relief 
  • Scleroderma 
  • Sprained ankles 
  • Ulcers 

The quality of DMSO widely varies. A pharmaceutical grade brand that is between 50-70% pure DMSO is recommended 

Side effects and precautions: 
  • To be used only under the supervision of a health care practitioner. 
  • Wash hands and akin surface where DMSO has to be applied thoroughly before applying.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Phosphatidyl serine

Phosphatidyl serine (PS) is one of the most effective nutrients for the brain. The brain contains high amount of essential fatty acids and phospholipids and one of which is PS. PS helps maximize nerve transmission between brain cells. A dozen of studies show that PS supplement boosts brain power, mood, and learning ability, with the most pronounced benefits seem among older people. 

Effective for: 
  • Seasonal depression 
  • Parkinson’s disease 
  • Alzheimer’s disease 
  • Stress damage 
  • Liver protection 
  • Exercise recovery 

PS is available commercially in the form of capsules. Since PS is a brain energizer do not take at night, it is best taken before breakfast. PS should be taken along with some antioxidant support such as vitamin E, vitamin C and selenium for better results. 

Recommended Dose: 
  • For general health: 100 mg a day 
  • Therapeutic dose: 3-500 mg a day 

Side effects and precautions: 
  • PS is very safe and has no side effects.